Saturday, 14 January 2012

The launch

We have lift off!

All went really well. Lovely parents, lovely children, lots of things I will do differently next week but the most important thing is it went really well.  Lizzie, my assistant was great, I had my music maestro of my friend Catriona to do the music so all good!

Thank you to all those who came and thank you to all those who support.
We are in business!

Friday, 6 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wishing all a 2012 that brings all good things.

So we are up and running with Butterfly Ballet. The hall is confirmed, some children have signed up, the music has been coordinated and the props are overflowing in the spare room.
I am now very excited!

I'm combining working on a Saturday with Butterfly Ballet with my full time job, therefore my evenings are long and my weekends have been busy but I'm ready....
Let the good toes roll... !

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The art of flyering.....

I can tell you a thing or two about them now.

Spent the past couple of days walking around posting the flyers through letterboxes. For some reason I don't like the home owners seeing me do it, so I have taken to rising at 7am to tiptoe around the neighbourhood. 

So.. it has to be said, it's quite a mindless exercise, especially with flu brewing. However I comforted myself by learning everything there is to know about the different types of letterboxes. Wow, who would've thought.. Narrow ones that seem to be permanently open, the stiff, 'snap-shut immediately' ones and those with the brush .. Then there was the dilemma of which way to put the flyer in, main picture up... or main picture down, to enable it to float down and land face up.   After 2 hours of flyering I had it all going on...

My defining moment of my flyering experience though was one particular cold January morning. Now usually I dress up to do the flyering, wear my long Reiss coat to look professional. however said particular morning with flu brewing I had my daggy tracksuit bottoms on and my down puffa jacket.

I see a family leaving their house and with car seats in tow I know they are the right market. So plucking up courage I approach them.  They looked young, they looked beautiful, perfect people to approach.
As I'm chatting to the Mum asking how old her daughter is I couldn't help but wish I had worn my long Reiss coat, as  on that particular day, with my down puffa jacket on, no make up and spots, by all accounts I look rather grim and she by all accounts look beautiful.

So chat chat chat and I'm thinking 'Crikey, you really are beautiful, I must drink more water to try and get faultless skin like you'. Then suddenly her voice, well spoken, but husky resonated with me and I realised...   I'm only standing talking to Holly Willoboughy of This Morning, Dancing on Ice fame. If there was ever a time to be looking smart it was now but no, I'm looking minging.

However she was perfectly lovely and took a flyer and I went straight back to the car and applied some make up. Note to self ~ Pay attention to the advice your Mum gave you when younger ... "Always be prepared!!!"

Monday, 2 January 2012

Build it and they will come..


Houston .... we no longer have a problem !

2 emails waiting for me in my Butterfly Ballet inbox. Oh the joy. We are in business!

To rip Kevin Costner off one of his famous quotes "Build it and they will come!"