Wednesday, 25 July 2012

End of Term Olympic Demonstration take 2 !

Due to rain stopping the majority of play last week I did an extra class so we could do a display and turned it into a little show for the parents. Some new parents for next term came and it was a lovely day.

I can't believe that Butterfly Ballet is two terms old and thank everybody for the amazing support and kind words regarding the classes. I love it with a passion and hope everyone has a great Summer break.

The Story begins..

Flying on Bella's wings to the Olympics

Carrying the Torch

Walking to get the gold medals

Gold Medal celebrations with ribbons and flags!

So proud of my little Olympians!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Wet but wonderful!

You can plan, you can organise but you can't control the weather....

Our dear old British Summer certainly didn't come up trumps on Saturday with a very wet day. Regular Fair exhibitors said they had never known of one to be so bad.

My brave troops arrived at 3.30pm at which point the heavens opened. The stage area had not been able to go up due to it being waterlogged so a muddy grass area was the place where we would dance. Barnes Ballet School had cancelled their demonstration in the morning and making a call at 3.45 I sent everyone home.....

4pm, we come out of the church and the rain had stopped, I had put so much work into the display and I could see that the children were dissapointed that I rallied up those that were left and enquired as to whether they would be game for their daughters to take to the mud?!  Fair play to all the parents who were totally up for it and a bigger well done to the 5 little ones who were still left and who took to the demonstration in their wellies, tutus and wings.   I was so proud of them and I must have looked like a joke, my tracksuit bottoms were covered in mud and my new trainers were now black but the show still went on and it was so utterly British!

Thank you to Sean and Louise and Strangy and Lizzie who helped with the day and to the Barnes Fair organisers for the opportunity to do it. Excited for it to be a regular event.

A bigger thank you to the children and parents. Hope you enjoy the photos!

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Barnes Fair Demonstration

Really looking forward to doing a little demonstration at the Barnes Fair.

Participating in events like this is a fantastic opportunity for the children, building confidence and enabling them to get an opportunity to perform to real audiences.

This year the theme is The Olympics so our torch is being made and we look forward to going for Gold!

The Barnes Fair is on Saturday July 14th so do come down and support if you are in the area, we are on at 4pm at the Events Stage.