Thursday 29 December 2011

The Fear

Err ..

Christmas has come and gone and was really lovely. Now we are at that period in between Christmas and New Year and I have one, uno, une, en child signed up... who happens to be a friend of mine's daughter. (All hail the fact my friends are having children... more girls please vicar!!)

What if nobody signs up......?

Oh the joys of the roller coaster that is starting a new business!

Thursday 15 December 2011

With thanks for the creative genius that is Sean Ebsworth Barnes

Big thank you to Sean Ebsworth Barnes for his wonderful design work on these flyers. He also created the wonderful website. Went to Primary School with Sean way back when in Beaconsfield, Bucks. Then many years later our paths crossed again through a charity pantomime... Now he is a close friend and I am very grateful for the support, enthusiasm and talent he has bestowed upon Butterfly Ballet!